Jonesborough Farmers Market Producer Rules

Jonesborough Farmers Market
Producer Rules
2017 Season

Please read this information carefully for details about the operation and expectations at the 2017 Saturday Jonesborough Farmers Market.
Rules are revised each year and will stay in effect for the current season.


A. Market Season and Operating Hours
1.      The Market will meet every Saturday from May through October on the east side of the old County Courthouse, with these exceptions for festivals:
        There will be no market during Jonesborough Days July 1st (July 4th Holiday).
        There will be no market during the Storytelling Festival (Oct 7th)
2.      Market hours are 8:00 am-12:00 pm May through October
3.      Changes in season length and hours of operation are at the discretion of the Jonesborough Locally Grown Board of Directors.

B. Fees & Requirements
1.      Full season vendor (May-October, 24 Saturdays) -- $100.00.
2.      Reserved Space: Season vendors paying by April 7th and planning to attend most markets may request a reserved space at the market. Some flexibility in weekly space assignment may be required.  (see below)
3.      Daily market fee: For any one Saturday--$10.00.  Fees should be paid upon arrival at the market information booth.  New vendors may apply up to 4 daily fees to a season membership.
4.      Rotating craft booth fee: 6 Saturdays, scheduled in advance--$50.
5.      No refunds are possible.
6.      Contributing to Music at the Market: Musicians play at the market each Saturday. While it is not possible for every vendor to hear the music, every vendor benefits from the festive shopping environment the music creates for our customers. Each band is paid a stipend ($50 for 3 hours of playing) and also receives a “market basket” of goods donated by vendors. Vendors are encouraged to show their appreciation for the music with a small contribution from their products when the collection wagon comes around about 10:30am each market.  Vendors who do not feel they are able to contribute on any given week are not required to contribute.
7.      Vendors will be asked by the Market Managers to assist once or twice per season with set-up and take-down.

C. Vendor Application Process
Vendors/farmers interested in becoming a part of the Jonesborough Saturday Farmers Market should review these Rules of Operation and request an application from the Market Manager.  Applications will be reviewed and final decisions made by the Market Manager.

NOTE:   Eligible products are found in "information for all vendors". 

D. Set-up Details
1.      Most booth spaces at the market are 10x10 canopy-only.  Vendors can unload their items and set up to sell in a space that accommodates a 10x10 canopy, then park their car away from the market.  There are a few tailgate spaces near the back of the courthouse.  Vending space size and arrangement is determined by the Market Manager and may change over the course of the season in response to the number of vendors.
2.      Full-season vendors may be assigned ‘permanent’ spaces at the market. Vendors with a consistent attendance history will be given priority in choice of space.  However, space assignment is at the discretion of the Market Manager, and even season vendors may occasionally be asked to be flexible due to the circumstances at a particular market. 
3.      Vendors will have access to the market area one hour prior to the opening time for the purpose of unloading and setting up merchandise. Vendors must exit the premises no later than one hour after the closing time.
4.      Vendors with reserved spaces must be on-site by 7:45 am on any given market day or risk losing their site to another vendor.  No vehicles will have access to the market area between 8am and 12 noon. This is strictly enforced.
5.      All vendors using canopies must secure their tents in case of gusty wind.
6.      Season vendors are expected to notify the manager when they will be absent.  Please inform a Market Manager as soon as you know you will miss a market, no later than 5pm on Friday for the next day.  Email or call 423-458-2122.
7.      Shared space is permitted but must be approved by Market Manager.
8.      The Market Manager may change space allocations when it is considered to be in the best interest of the market operation.
9.      Vendors must provide their own equipment and any set-up materials for display of items.
10.  No electricity or water is available at the market. 
11.  Public restrooms are available in the building on the Southwest side of the courthouse.
12.  All vendors are expected to be responsive to the needs of the market as a whole and to the decisions of the Market Manager. 
13.  Any needed repairs, hazardous conditions or problems in the market area should be reported to the Market Manager.
14.  The Market Manager has the authority to cancel the contract of any vendor who fails to comply with the rules and regulations of Jonesborough Locally Grown. There is a process in place to address issues of non-compliance.

E.  Parking, set-up and take down
1.  Managers, volunteers and vendors all help each other with set-up and take-down. If you do not want assistance, just say so—otherwise, they are there to help speed up the process.
2.  Vendors should pull over close to the curb and turn off vehicles while unloading onto the sidewalk closest to your space.  This keeps the street open for others to park and unload. 
3.  After unloading, move your car out of the market area before setting up your booth space.
4.  Park at the Parson’s Table and use the stairs to get back to the market.  The courthouse lot has plenty of spaces for our customers, but not if they are filled with 30 vendor cars!  Vendors who have difficulty walking/using stairs should park behind the restrooms.
5.  Vendors may not bring vehicles into the market before noon, and they should not leave the market before noon.  If you find that you consistently sell out and would like to leave early, please talk to the Market Manager about setting up in a space close to the parking lot where you might be able to break down without disrupting the market.
6.  At the end of the market, please take down all items to the sidewalk before bringing your vehicle.  Pull as close to the curb as possible to allow other cars to move through the market. Turn off your vehicle while you load.

F.  Market Operation, Health, and Safety Considerations
1.      The vendors will be responsible for the collection and removal of all refuse generated from sales and activity at their space.
2.      Each vendor is responsible for leaving his/her space reasonably clean at the end of market.
3.      It is unlawful to sell or consume alcoholic beverages in the market area.
4.      No open flames (grills) are permitted in the market area without the prior approval of the Market Manager and the Fire Marshal.
5.      Vendors are not permitted to smoke in the market area.
6.      Proper language for a family atmosphere is required.
7.      If the vendor’s activity jeopardizes the smooth running of the market, the Market Manager may suspend a vendor's contract or ask that it be reviewed by the Board of Directors. 
8.      No person will make a public outcry, do “hawking” or give any musical or other entertainment for the purpose of drawing customers or attracting attention without prior permission from the Market Manager.
9.      All vendors will be held responsible for the actions of their employees, agents or persons working in concert with their stand.
10.  It is the responsibility of vendors to satisfy customer complaints.
11.  Potentially hazardous food items (meats, poultry, etc.) stored or displayed prior to sale must be maintained according to Tennessee Department of Agriculture regulations.
12.  No vendor will permit seepage or leakage of water or fluids from any part of their space into the public areas or other vendors’ spaces.
13.  Children under 14 years of age must be supervised by an adult at the market.
14.  Vendors may not bring live animals (for sale or otherwise) in the market area without advance permission from the Market Manager, except as provided by State or Federal laws (i.e. hearing, guide and service animals). 
15.  Vendors are responsible for the individual safeguarding of their products, supplies and money. The Market Manager or Town of Jonesborough is not responsible for loss or theft.
16.  Vendor (lessee), by signing the Vendor Application, agrees to protect and hold the Market Committee (lessor) and the Town of Jonesborough harmless and to indemnify the lessor from any and all claims, demands, suits, actions, judgments and recoveries for or on account of damage, theft or injury (including death) to property or person occurring as a result of lessee’s use of the leased property and any other cause whatsoever.
17.  Weather Safety Plan - In the event of severe storms with lightning, all vendors should take shelter in their vehicles.  The Market Managers will position vehicles at each end of the market and remain in their vehicles to oversee the market until the storm passes.
18.  The market First Aid kit is located at the Information desk.

G.  Token system for card sales
The Jonesborough Farmers Market has a token system to allow customers to use debit, credit and EBT cards at the market.  This is a service that is provided AT NO COST TO THE VENDOR.  The token system works this way:  At our information booth, customers may purchase color-coded tokens to spend at the market.  ALL VENDORS participate by accepting and recording tokens on a special envelope that is provided for you. Your envelope is stored at the market information booth and tokens counted and recorded each week.  Vendors are paid at the end of the month for that month’s tokens.  Please review these instructions before selling at the market.  A Market Manager will review these with all new vendors; always ask a manager if you have any questions.

Token instructions for all vendors
$5 Green
        All vendors accept $5 (Green) tokens just like cash—these may be spent on anything and change is given back just like a cash purchase.

        Only vendors of FOOD, seeds or food-producing plants may accept these.  Eggs, meat, fruit, vegetables, cheese, eggs, etc-- all may be sold for red tokens.
        No change is given.
        Food exception: Hot foods or drinks (intended to be eaten at the market) do not qualify
        Plant exception: Seeds/flowers/landscaping plants that do not produce food do not qualify

        Only vendors of FRUITS, VEGETABLES, or food-producing plants may accept these.
        No change is given.
        Plant exception: Seeds/flowers/landscaping plants that do not produce food do not qualify

Collect your tokens in the envelope provided at the info booth, record the numbers of each token on the chart, and return to the file box at the information booth at the end of the market.

Other/Farm to Table (FTT)
Occasionally a Market Manager may purchase something from a vendor for market use, such as a cooking demonstration, or the Farm to Table dinner, and ask to pay you through the billpay system. Please note those sales “other” and note what it is for.  You will be reimbursed with your next check.

        Payment is scheduled following the last market of every month and is mailed to the vendor via check.
        Exceptions to payment schedule can be made by special arrangement..
        Vendors at the market for only one day can redeem their tokens at the information booth at the end of the market.
        Checks come in a self-mailer (no envelope) and look like this:

H.  Saturday Market Application and Contact information

OK!  You made it thru all of our info!  

Here's the application:

JLG Producer Application 2017

For questions or to submit your vendor application, please contact:

Erin Giebner
Market Coordinator

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